Tenant / Renewable Heat

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Consume your electricity in a way that’s kind to the planet and your budget: three tailor-made offers and ways to consume less and better.


How does my billing work and how can I estimate it?

Advance payments are instalments calculated on the basis of your annual consumption for the previous year. You will receive 5 instalments during the year, plus a statement of account.

Down payment

Instalments are payments made every two months, calculated on the basis of your annual consumption for the previous year. Annual invoices under CHF 240 are sent once a year without a deposit.


This new district heating network, most of whose heat will be produced from wood energy, is currently being developed in the south of the city. It is intended to supply the buildings located in a vast area between Y-Parc and the Moulins district, along the bypass road (main axis of the conurbation).


This new district heating network, most of whose heat will be produced from wood energy, is currently being developed in the south of the city. It is intended to supply the buildings located in a vast area between Y-Parc and the Moulins district, along the bypass road (main axis of the conurbation).


This new district heating network, most of whose heat will be produced from wood energy, is currently being developed in the south of the city. It is intended to supply the buildings located in a vast area between Y-Parc and the Moulins district, along the bypass road (main axis of the conurbation).


Still have questions?

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Everyday gestures
The equiwatt Kit for quick and easy energy savings
The equiwatt Kit for quick and easy energy savings
Everyday gestures
The equiwatt Kit for quick and easy energy savings
The equiwatt Kit for quick and easy energy savings
Everyday gestures
The equiwatt Kit for quick and easy energy savings
The equiwatt Kit for quick and easy energy savings

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